Friday, August 6, 2010

DIY Fashion

One day I was looking through an Anthropolgie catalogue filled with beautiful clothing that I could not afford, when I stumbled upon a black and white striped dress that took my breath away, but at $118 I knew it was not meant to be. Then I realized my Pattern Making class taught me...well, it taught me how to make patterns. So I did.

Me trying on the Anthropolgie dress in the store.
In the almost identical dress that I made.
Can you see me radiating pride? The fabric cost under $30. My guilty admission: this cotton was probably not organic or fair trade. This is something I am still struggling with. I cannot find a good selection of fabric that is produced socially responsibly. I know it is important to "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" but this is often at ends with my passion for the art of clothing. I buy almost all of my clothes used, but I also find it so satisfying to create my own pieces.

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