Friday, August 6, 2010

Water & Oil

Photographer Steven Meisel shot a controversial spread for the August 2010 issue of Vogue Italia which featured Kristen McMenamy (in expensive designer clothing,
bien sur; it is a fashion magazine) writhing and suffering in various positions on an oil-slicked beach.

Unsurprisingly, the internet is astir with controversy over the spread and debates about whether his intentions were honorable. Is he trying to raise awareness about the spill? Is he making an ecological statement? Is he glamorizing and capitalizing on the suffering of thousands of animals and humans? Or is he just creating art inspired by current events?

It's impossible to say, of course, until the famously close-lipped Meisel makes a statement, but he is a pro at creating controversial photo shoots.

He sexualized and glamorized the Iraqi war:

...sexualized and glamorized 9/11 in State of Emergency, September 2006:

But what really interests me about this photoshoot is the blatant association with the Earth and animals as feminine and exploited.

By representing the suffering of animals with beautiful female models, is Meisel humanizing the animals' suffering? Or further "othering" women?
to be continued...

1 comment:

  1. I am currently writing a non-fiction book called 'Killing Animals.' It's a testament of personally suffered experiences and the unnecessary murder of animals. i chose too to use people as a more direct experience of pain: the 'perfect' model facially disturbed in expression.
    If possible, it would be good to enter into a more detailed discussion with you.
    Being a professional writer and visual artist – it's the full graphic image that will only hit home!
